2016年10月10日 星期一

Rekordbox DJ註冊步驟

Rekordbox DJ註冊步驟 


  • 打開Rekordbox應用程式
    Click the app icon to open rekordbox

  •  進到登入畫面,沒有帳戶的朋友,請直接點選建立帳戶
    the login page would be opened, and click create an account.

  • 接下來會連到Pioneer的Kuvo音樂平台註冊帳號畫面,依序輸入使用者名稱、信箱、密碼後點選 Create my account。

    next, rekordbox would link to KUVO register page, Please fill up the user name, mail address and password field, then click create my account.

  •  接下來的畫面會問你要不要收到KUVO的新訊息和Pioneer DJ的新訊息,這邊兩欄都要點選yes或no,否則無法註冊成功!

    then, you have to choose "yes" or "no" if you would like or not to receive Kuvo and pioneer dj news.(must select yes or no)

  • 完成後,Rekordbox會送一封信到你的電子信箱,請到您的電子郵件收取開通信件並且點選聯結啟動你的帳號!

    next, you will get a confirm mail, Please go to check your email and click the link to active your account!

  • 啟動後,再打開Rekordbox

    next, reopen the Rekordbox

  •  這一次要輸入你註冊好的信箱和密碼!然後按設定

    this time, key in your mail address and password which just use to register the rekordbox.

  • 然後會進到Rekordbox,Rekordbox會詢問你要音樂管理還是DJ表演,選則DJ表演模式才能讓控制器對應

    then, select the DJ Performance Mode

  • 出現提示頁面,你可以任選下列其一,因為我們已有序號,我們就選Activeat a license key。

    Activate a license key是輸入序號



    Choose Activeat a license key to enter the serial No.

  •  一樣輸入您的註冊的信箱和密碼。按確定

    same as above, key in your mail and password

  •  輸入Rekordbox序號(購買器材的朋友,序號隨機附在文件包內),然後按確定

    key in your Rekordbox serial No.

  • 然後選擇您購買的機型後,選擇安裝,Rekordbox會幫你安裝趨動程式,然後您就可以使用器材對應Rekorbox DJ囉!

    Next, select the which DJ equipment  you buy, then click install, then the rekordbox would install the driver for you. then you could play music now.

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